#UKGeocachingHour is a live tweet-chat run every Tuesday 8-9pm UK time.
Geocachers, Terracachers and Opencachers are welcome, as well as businesses who sell caching related items and local Geocaching groups.
- Are you a UK Geocacher?
- Heard about Geocaching but don't know where to start?
- Run a business selling caching related items?
- Own a local Geocaching forum you want to let others know about?
- Run a Geocaching group on Facebook?
- Own a pub, coffee shop, or other venue that would be suitable for Geocachers to meet in?
If you've answered 'yes' to any of the above then we would love you to take part in #UKGeocachingHour.
How to take part:
- Join us on Tuesday between 8-9pm on Twitter. Search for #UKGeocachingHour.
- Make sure you use #UKGeocachingHour in every tweet, including replies.
- Use links and pictures where possible.
- Each week, there will be some discussion questions to help direct the conversation. Generally, the questions will start with a Q and the question number. You can answer with an A followed by the question number and your answer. For example:
@GeocachingHour: "Q1: What's your favourite cache series? #UKGeocachingHour"
@CacheWalker1: "A1: Wrighty's Power to the CacheWalker is great! (GC431T0) #UKGeocachingHour"
- If you have suggestions for discussion topics, send a direct message to @GeocachingHour.
- Have fun! Don't be afraid to join in conversations, and start your own as well!
An example of a good introductory tweet to #UKGeocachingHour would be:
Good evening #UKGeocachingHour. We're @TheGAGB You can find more about what we do at http://www.gagb.co.uk
Click here for a good resource with general information on how to participate in a live tweet-chat.
#UKGeocachingHour was Gackt's idea. He is a forum member and cotswoldcaching.co.uk admin.