Off the Support Forum:The ezGallery is a great feature for your Forums enabling you to upload your own pictures which this guide will explain.
Guide from
www.CFcoding.createaforum.comFirst off - go to Admin>Gallery>Gallery Configuration>Click Install and Enable ezGallery.
After doing so, go back to the Gallery Configuration.
You may edit all options in Features + Layout to your liking. Another extensive guide will be made in the future regarding Gallery Configuration.
Now you should make a Category *Or you may use the default Member's Gallery which you could edit*
Add a title (ex. Gallery), add a gallery icon *if you wish*, a description, etc.
Once you have added your Category, click on the "Gallery" button and Click on the gallery you have just made.
From here you will see two bars on the bottom:
Pages: [X]
Bulk Add Pictures Add Sub Category Add a picture - Return to Gallery
X - the number of pages the gallery has
Bulk Add Pictures - selecting this will allow you to add numerous pictures at the same time
Add Sub Category - allows to to add a sub category to your parent gallery
Add a picture - allows you to add A picture
Return to Gallery - returns you to the Gallery
From here you may add a picture by either clicking Bulk Add Pictures or Add a picture.
- Title the picture
- Choose which gallery to place it in
- Give it a description if you wish
- Give it keywords for others to find it easier
- Upload the picture
- If you wish to rotate the picture - input the amount of desired degrees to rotate it.
- Choose if you want to be notified of any comments people leave on your picture
After the picture is uploaded you along with others should now be able to view it (based on permissions). You may view your picture, edit it, etc.